
About Maricopa County National Adoption Day Foundation

NATIONAL ADOPTION DAY is a collective, national effort to raise awareness of more than 117,000 children in foster care waiting for permanent and loving families.  The average wait for a child in foster care to be adopted is 3 years.  Sadly, more than 20,000 children age out of the foster care system every year with no family or permanent home.

Each November, we gather together to give thanks for our families and count our blessings. For thousands for children in foster care, this cherished celebration is just a dream.

But there is hope.

On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, courts in 410 communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam open their doors to finalize the adoptions of thousands of children from foster care, and to celebrate all families who adopt.  By working with courts, judges, attorneys, adoption professionals, child welfare agencies and advocates, thousands of children in foster care nationwide, realize their dream of having a family and a home on National Adoption Day.

Since its inception, in 2000, this annual one-day event has made the dreams of more than 70,000 children come true.

Maricopa County is proud to have been a participant in this event since its inception. For the last several years, Maricopa County’s event has been the largest in the country with more children adopted here than in any other city in the U. S. Last fall, 77 children were adopted into loving homes in Maricopa County.

Deadline to file petitions is 10/06/23 and deadline to file supporting documents is 10/27/23