
Volunteering for National Adoption Day!

If you want to be a part of an amazing day in the life of a child…Volunteering for National Adoption Day is for you.

There are several ways to help out including (but not limited to):

  • Helping families at the court room and after the hearing
  • Checking in volunteers
  • Assisting with directing parking
  • Working with the photographer to ensure a smooth flow of traffic
  • Acting as a runner during the day to fill in where needed
  • Helping with outside activities

Sign up will begin in early September for the 2023 National Adoption Day through Sign Up Genius.  An email will go out to those who have either volunteered in the past two years or have expressed an interest.  If you want to be included, please send an email to nadvolunteer@gmail.com .  We will include you in the email blast.